Mentor Coaching

Looking to become a certified coach? Need to renew your certification? Want to reflect on your coaching skills and explore how to expand them? 

Mentor Coaching addresses all of these questions. Mentor Coaching develops a coach’s skills and prepares coaches for ICF certification through 10 hours of coaching over a minimum of 3 months.

Chip is a certified ICF PCC Marker Assessor, whose Mentor Coaching includes:

  • Feedback on actual coaching sessions using the ICF markers.

  • Reflection on how the feedback is inviting the coach to grow.

  • Practice that tries out new skills and approaches to reenforce the growth as a coach.

You will receive:

  • 10 hours of ICF-approved mentor coaching, individually and/or in a group

  • PCC-level mentor coaching and assessment

  • Guidance and ongoing support as you apply for ICF credentialing 

Sign-up for the next group or one session at a time.