
About Chip Low

Chip loves offering the resource and gift of coaching and brings the following credentials:

  • Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

  • Advanced Certification in Team Coaching, International Coach Federation

  • Senior Practitioner Coach, EMCC Global

  • Certified Team Coach, EMCC Practitioner

  • Certified Mentor Coach

  • ICF PCC Marker Assessor, International Coach Federation

  • Coach Trainer, Loaves & Fishes Coach Training co-director

  • Enneagram-certified Coach, Integrative9

Chip coaches individuals and teams around various topics, including leadership formation, organizational change, transition, and development, healthy conflict, stewardship development, and other topics brought to coaching by clients. He also offers coach training with Loaves & Fishes Coach Training and Columbia Theological Seminary’s Lifelong Learning.

Chip also partners with different organizations which allows him to incorporate coaching ideas into specific kinds of work. He is a Financial Leadership Coach with the Presbyterian Foundation, serves as a Leadership faculty member and a Conference Leader in the CREDO program of the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and is a coach with ReKindle: A Congregational Development Program of Columbia Theological Seminary.

What is Compass Coaching?

“Why do we worship the straight lines, the most direct route, nonstop, leaving the past far behind? A circle is both diameter and circumference, compass and horizon, holding center and edge together, calling us to the heart and the wild borders.” ~Christine Valters Paintner

The compass invites us to work from our center, with all of the resources coaching helps us discover, so that we can find renewed strength for current directions and courage to take new and uncommon paths when they present themselves.

Chip’s coach approach with clients is to create a safe space where clients explore to their passions, resources, creativity, authenticity, and power to discover the next direction that will make them alive in their leadership, work, and life.

What is Coaching?

The International Coach Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” When clients explore and align who they are with what they want to do, they engage in life and work with energy, courage, and focus. They discover their next direction, chart the path in that direction, and take the journey into what is next.

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